what is transcription
What is Transcription ? Transcr iption is a process thr ough which you convert an Audio file into text by listing to the speaker and writing the same what they are saying in the audio. There are 3 common ways of Transcription: Medical Transcription Legal Transcription General Transcription If you have no experience in Transcription or English is not your Native language than you can do General Transcription. Legal and Medical Transcription required you little experience in law and in Medical but these ways Generate more income. So if you want to start than you can do work on General Transcription. I will tell you here about four web sits witch hire and all you need for this take the test to the website and if you pass they will give you audio file that you have transcribe into text. THESE WEBSITES AS UNDER REV.COM This website is great f or work online! y ou can earn money through this website to translate audio i...